The Internet is the most sought after advertising medium today. To get good results requires a hefty upfront cost and several hundred dollars a month in maintenance. Many small and medium sized businesses shy away from such advertising due to the costs, but there is a free way to advertise: Social Networks! The aim of the game is to get news articles or RSS feeds on sites such as Facebook, Blogger/Blogspot, Twitter etc. The more articles you do, the more potential there is for customers to find your web site! We have done this ourselves:

RSS Feed - our news article feed

Blogger - Our news article Blog

Twitter - Get quick updates of our articles

Facebook - A copy of our blog, links in to our website's blog

Linkedin - Profile of me, links in with twitter
We also have our blog on our website at improve your listing in Google:
1. Add a news article everyday
2. Put your articles on as many bloging/social networking sites as possible!
3. Always link your article to your web site
4. Use key words that relate to the Google searches you want to optimise!
5. Link up to other blogs/tweets to increase your reputation
There are many tricks and tools that can be used, so for more info, please contact us!